Lending regulations
Who can borrow?
Everyone currently residing in Norway can get a library card. Children under the age of 15 must have their parents consent.
National Library card
National library cards are only made after a person shows their ID. You have to carry a library card in order to borrow. A national library card be used in every library in the country. The card is free to create. Children/youths can have local librarycards from the time they start school if they have the parents consent/signature. Report if your card is lost. A new library card costs 30 kr. Report also about name and/or address change.
Time to return
A normal loan lasts 4 weeks, but popular titles can have a 14 day loan. Movies and games have a 1 week time due date.
If the book or media you wish to borrow is loaned out, you can be put on the wait-list. You will receive a message by text, email or via phone when the item you have reserved is ready to be borrowed. Loans can be renewed thorugh our website, on our machines in the library or contact staff through e-mail or phone. Items that have a waiting list cannot be renewed. The library has self-service as well. The lender themselves has the responsibility to register and return their loans. Remember to check audiobooks, movies or language courses to see if every cd and dvd is there.
Flekkefjord Public Library offers free loans of e-books and e-audiobooks through the app Bookbites.
Interlibrary loan
If the library does not have the book you want, we can borrow it from a different library. You can do this yourself through bibsok.no. Ordered books must be picked up within a week.
Overdue loans
Overdue charges and warnings will be sent to e-mails or in the mail. Charges can be paid in «My loans» with BankAxess. Rates: 1. warning: 30 kr. 2. warning: 60 kr. Further failure to return overdue loans will result in a bill being sent and the library card blocked until the amount is paid.
Replaces of material
Invoice fee + a 100,- kr. work fee comes in additon to these costs:
Books ………………………………………………………………………… 400,- kroner
Childrens book or picture book ………………………………….. 200,- kroner
Parts of a larger work or faults …………………………………… case by case basis
Magazines …………………………………………………………………. 100,- kroner
Audiobooks ……………………………………………………………….. 400,- kroner
Audiobooks, children …………………………………………………. 250,- kroner
DVD …………………………………………………………………………… 200,- kroner
Comics ………………………………………………………………………. 200,- kroner
Language courses ……………………………………………………… case by case basis
Lost or damaged material is considred after current minimal price. If the material has a larger value at the time, it is this price that in effect. Material borrowed from different libraries are replaced due to the library that owns that material.